Monday, February 27, 2006
Partial Port Abortion?
If this Bill were to be passed.........
February 27, 2006
Menendez, Clinton Introduce Bill to Ban Foreign Government Control of U.S. Ports
Lautenberg, Boxer and Nelson Join Bill Blocking Dubai Deal
Washington, DC – United States Senators Robert Menendez and Hillary Rodham Clinton, joined by Senators Frank R. Lautenberg, Barbara Boxer and Bill Nelson, today introduced legislation to ban companies owned by foreign governments from controlling operations at U.S. ports. The bill would block the pending sale of U.S. port operations to Dubai Ports World, a company owned by the government of the United Arab Emirates.
The bill also requires the president to conduct a study on existing foreign government-owned companies operating in US ports, and make recommendations to the Congress on how to appropriately handle any resulting national security risks within 30 days after the law’s enactment.
... Then what would happen to these port operations....?????
At the massive Port of Los Angeles alone, 80% of the terminals are run by foreign firms. And the U.S. Department of Transportation says the United Kingdom, Denmark, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China and Taiwan have interests in U.S. port terminals.
In Los Angeles, port spokeswoman Theresa Adams Lopez says, foreign operations include Yusen Terminals Inc., a subsidiary of Japanese shipping giant NYK Line, established in 1885.
The Port of Seattle has five container terminals. Three are run by U.S. companies, one is managed by a South Korean company, and the fifth is managed by a company partly owned by the Singapore government.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey owns five primary cargo terminals, three of which are run by foreign firms. The terminal that would be run by the Dubai-based company is operated in conjunction with a Danish firm. The terminal is leased to the two companies and is five years into the 30-year lease, port authority spokesman Steve Coleman says. The other two main cargo terminals in New York and New Jersey are run by the same Danish firm and by a Hong Kong-based company.
Loy says it's all an inevitable part of a global economy. "The notion that we should not have our ports operated by foreign companies is ludicrous, and indicates someone is not understanding how the global marketplace works today," he says. (who could he be referring to with that statement?, I asked myself)
GatewayPundit has more:
Hillary Has "Port Values" Except when it's Saudi Arabia or China
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Where's MY trophy???
I showed up for life. Where's MY trophy?!
What happens when everyone's a winner?
Some ask whether feel-good trophies are actually good for children
By Mike Reiss, Globe Staff February 23, 2006
When a youth basketball league in Framingham finishes its season next month, every fifth- and sixth-grader will receive a shiny trophy. Even those on the last-place team.
''We want them to be happy and come back to play the following year," said the Temple Beth Am Brotherhood league's director, Rich Steckloff.
In communities across Boston's western suburbs, at the end of long seasons on the soccer pitch, hoop court, or baseball diamond, kids are getting trophies not for winning championships, but for simply participating.
Some say there's no harm in awarding trophies to all, that it's a reward for playing a sport that keeps them fit. And it's hard to argue with the warm feeling a parent gets when their wide-eyed child receives a prize.
But others have raised questions about whether getting trophies so easily is the best thing for youngsters.
''There is something inherently good about trying to raise kids' feelings about themselves, but there has to be balance," said Leonard Zaichkowsky, a Boston University professor and director of its sport and exercise psychology training program, shared by BU's schools of education and medicine. ''We also have to teach kids to be mentally tough, to take criticism, to experience failure, to learn that somebody wins and somebody loses.
''We have to take teachable moments to reach kids and explain that there are going to be setbacks and losses, and to be able to cope with that," he said.
''I'm not sure where the mentality came from, or how it got to this point, but the stuff given out to kids -- the 'thanks for participating' trophies' -- it seems we're more worried about not hurting feelings," Vulcano said.
''It's a tough call and I don't know what the right answer is. But I certainly know it's not a good idea to keep rewarding people, day after day, when they don't earn it. They lose their workmanship. I don't know if we're doing kids justice in the way we're handling it."
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
A Lesson Being Learned????
In New Orleans, there's a very telling tale unfolding. One which points to the very core of liberalism vs conservatism (which is very tough to find these days in politics).
Who pays for those who can't/don't/won't work? Working stiffs.
How do they pay for them? Taxes.
How much taxes are collected for this? Too damn much!
Who redistributes the wealth and money collected? Government.
It's not about race. It's about redistribution of hard earned money to some who have to depend upon it and others who're just freeloading on the system, mostly because they're allowed to.
And then there's "stop blaming the government for something they ought to do.."
Isn't that exactly what NO is doing to the Federal Government and taxpayers?
If President Bush used these words to the State and Local officials they'd throw another hissy-fit. Didn't the Louisiana politicians just demand more federal assistance?
And around and around it goes.
Feb. 22, 2006, 7:22AM
New Orleans says it won't give free ride
3 City Council members' words to poor trouble Houston officials, some evacuees
Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle
New Orleans doesn't want its poorest residents back — unless they agree to work.
That was the message from three New Orleans City Council members who said government programs have "pampered" the city's residents for too long.
"We don't need soap opera watchers right now," said New Orleans City Council President Oliver Thomas, during a housing committee meeting. "We're going to target the people who are going to work. It's not that I'm fed up, but that at some point there has to be a whole new level of motivation, and people have got to stop blaming the government for something they ought to do."
Clarkson also said the city eventually wants to bring everyone back, but needs to start with workers first, to create a tax base. Then, eventually, she said, New Orleans will have the resources to support everyone, including the unemployable.
If not the US, then.......
Finland led the United States 2-0 on first-period goals by Ville Peltonen and a shorthanded one by Sami Salo. The Americans tied it 2-2 on Mike Knuble's goal at 13:14 of the first period and Mathieu Schneider's power-play goal at 1:29 of the second.
But Olli Jokinen put the game away with two goals later in the second period, one on a power play. The Americans made a late charge, with Brian Gionta tipping in a shot at 15:33 of the final period.
Finland won 4-3 and has outscored its opponents 23-5 in six games.

Makes Me Want to Ride
Go read this. Bring something to wash down that lump in your throat.
Gateway Pundit: Patriot Guard Riders Welcome Home TN Hero, Cpl. Rusty Washam
The people who do this for the fallen, the families and our country deserve the very same Respect they show.
Makes you want to go buy that bike.
Here's who they are:
Patriot Guard Riders Mission Statement
The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America's freedom and security. If you share this respect, please join us.
We don't care what you ride, what your political views are, or whether you're a "hawk" or a "dove". It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you're from or what your income is. You don't even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives.
1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
2. Shield the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.
We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Please Standby For an Important Announcement
Winner of $365M Jackpot to Be Revealed
By KEVIN O'HANLON, Associated Press Writer
Tue Feb 21, 4:48 PM ET
LINCOLN, Neb. - Nebraska Lottery officials say the winner — or winners — of the record $365 million Powerball jackpot will be revealed Wednesday.
Lottery officials scheduled a news conference for 10:30 a.m. CST at Lincoln's Cornhusker Hotel.
The winning ticket in last Saturday's drawing was sold in Lincoln.
It was the biggest jackpot on record for any lottery in the United States.
Lottery officials earlier said that winners of big jackpots most often consult with a lawyer or financial adviser before coming forward.
The ticket holder has the option of taking the money in one lump sum or installments over 30 years. The cash option is $177.3 million, or $124.1 million after taxes. On the installment plan, the first payment would be $6,507,986 after taxes.
Song o' the Date
What was the #1 song in the U.S.A. the day you were born? The day you graduated from high school? The day you were married?
The day I was born?
"Teddy Bear" by Elvis Presley
Monday, February 20, 2006
Neked Trekin
Naked ramblers Stephen Gough (L) and Melanie Roberts start their walk to John O'Groats in June 2005. Gough walked the length of Britain wearing nothing but a hat, boots and a rucksack and celebrated the successful completion of his marathon trek by putting his clothes back on.(AFP/File)
Melanie was heard to say, "Geez, Stephen, we've nearly walked our asses off today."
To which he relpied after a quick glance to her south side, "Ahhhh, not so much, Mel."
It was at that point when he wondered if he could finish the trek after poking his eyes out.

Sunday, February 19, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Willie's Back Broke !!!!
Aahhhh, forcyingoutloud.
Willie Nelson performs during a show in Nashville, Tenn., in this June 28, 2005 file photo. Nelson released an homage to gay cowboys called 'Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other)' which debuted Tuesday Feb. 14, 2006 on Howard Stern's satellite radio show. (AP Photo/John Russell, File)
PC Speak: "not that there's anything wrong with that"
Willie remakes some of his older tunes.
**** Angel Flyin Too Close to The Bone
**** George On My Mind
**** Blue Eyes, Cryin From The Pain
**** Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Date Cowboys
**** To All The Guys I’ve Loved Before
**** On The Pole Again

Sacking Hackett
IF I lived in Ohio and IF I was running a political blog, I would post something like this.
Hackett’s narrow loss in Ohio was touted as a win.
Even Chuck Schumer is quoted.
Aug 3, 2005
By: Phil Singer, DSCC
The close race in Ohio’s Second Congressional District should send a shot across Mike DeWine’s bow as he gears up for his 2006 re-election effort. After being blamed for his son’s loss in the GOP primary, Mike DeWine last night watched as Democrat Paul Hackett exceeded expectations in this heavily Republican district. If Ohio is a bellwether state for next year’s midterm elections, things don’t look too good for the Republicans.
DSCC Chairman Charles Schumer said: "The close margin in this heavily Republican congressional district shows that people are looking for a change -- in both the House and the Senate. Democrats have become the party that is talking to the concerns of average people."
They built a movement around veteran candidates, like Hackett.
The Fighting Dems. The Band of Brothers.
Hackett was a favorite son.
Paul Hackett's near win in Oh-02, My Favorite Political play 2005
by Drdemocrat
Fri Dec 30, 2005 at 06:29:39 PM PDT
But my favorite Democratic Political play in 2005 was Hackett's near win in Oh-02 for it brought the netroots together like no other, it showcased a future Democratic star, it spawned a new political movement (the Fighting Dems, Band of Brothers), and it gave Democrats backbone to "tell it like it is" and the knowledge that we can beat the Republicans after coming off a devastating loss in 2004.
I do not know how Hackett will do in the Senate race, but I can honestly say that a Democratic star was born and I see a bright future in politics for him. This is his nitch.
Hackett's near win has spawned a political movement for 2006: Iraq war veterans running for Congress. He was not the first to run for office, but his "near win" encouraged several veterans to run. Even Rahm Emmanuel from DCCC took note and has personally recruited veterans to run in House races including I think future stars such as Tammy Duckworth, etc. Thus Band of Brothers (and Sisters) was born. I predict that the media will go wild with this in 2006. This will generate free publicity for all the candidates and Democrats to help us take back the House and Senate in 2006.
Then, Hackett stumbles.
Oh no! A primary election where voters in Ohio decide the candidate of choice?
Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, perhaps the best-known Democratic veteran running for office, energized liberals nationwide last year by criticizing President Bush during his House race but alienated conservatives in Ohio’s 2nd District by calling the president names.
Hackett stumbled in early September, Democrats add, when he failed to announce his bid to unseat Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) sooner instead of later, inviting a challenge from Rep. Sherrod Brown (D). Now the party faces a protracted primary.
Not to worry (about that primary election process).
Reid and Schumer to the rescue.
Hackett, the Iraq veteran, gets thrown under the bus.
Friendly fire, so to speak.
Monday, February 13, 2006 · Last updated 9:49 p.m. PT
Report: Hackett drops out of Senate race
NEW YORK -- Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, who gained popularity for his staunch criticism of President Bush, has dropped out of the Democratic race for U.S. Senate in Ohio, according to a published report.
Hackett told The New York Times for Tuesday's editions that the same party leaders who urged him to run for Senate after his political debut in a House race last year had turned on him.
"This is an extremely disappointing decision that I feel has been forced on me," Hackett said.
Hackett's spokesman, Karl Frisch, did not immediately return a phone call late Monday night.
Hackett captured Democrats' attention last summer by blasting Bush's war policies, raising huge sums on the Internet and capturing 48 percent of the vote in one of the country's most conservative House districts.
He declared his candidacy for Republican Mike DeWine's Senate seat after it appeared Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown would not run. Brown declared his Senate candidacy shortly after that, however, and national Democrats privately began urging Hackett to step aside. On Sunday, some national Democrats made those requests publicly.
"For me, this is a second betrayal," Hackett said. "First, my government misused and mismanaged the military in Iraq, and now my own party is afraid to support candidates like me."
Band of Brothers?
You just don’t stab your brother in the back like that. Even if you're a Democrat.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Liberals to support Cheney
Guns don't kill and neither does Dick.
VP Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a hunting trip in Texas.
Turns out the guy was a lawyer.
Finally! Something which Cheney has done that even liberals can support.
Hmmmmm... isn't Hillary a lawyer, too?
Seriously, though, how the hell can anyone shoot a hunting partner?
If the guy's that bad, just don't hang out with him at all.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
One Smart Study of History
I've linked to him here before, but only because he's well worth reading and learning from.
This guy is way more gooder than your average joe-six-pack blogger.
February 8, 2006
What History Says About the Iraq War
by Victor Davis Hanson
The American Enterprise Magazine
Why did the successful war in Iraq to replace Saddam Hussein with a democracy lose the majority support of the American public? Despite steady U.S. military progress against jihadists, and the bold endorsement of peaceful self-rule by 11 million Iraqis, public approval was slowly eroded by an accumulation of hits: The initial looting in Baghdad, over-the-top reporting on the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, the incessant suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices, the two sieges of Fallujah, more than 2,000 American fatalities, and a re-energized and media-savvy anti-war movement.
(big snip)
Our enemies — who cling to history far more tightly than most Americans — know this. And because Osama bin Laden, Dr. Zawahiri, Mr. Zarqawi, and other warrior fanatics understand our recent past, and their own distant one, better than we do, they will continue to fight in places, and with methods, that challenge our often unhistorical sense of the civilized self.
Go read all of it.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Cartoon Causes Midwest Riots
Seething Midwest Explodes Over Lombardi Cartoons
Green Bay, WI - Like a pot of bratwurst left unattended at a Lambeau Field pregame party, simmering tensions in the strife-torn Midwest boiled over once again today as rioting mobs of green-and-gold clad youth and plump farm wives rampaged through Wisconsin Denny's and IHOPs, burning Texas toast and demanding apologies and extra half-and-half.
"Those who sow the curds of blasphemy will reap the cheddar wheel of destruction", he added cryptically.
Read it all:
Here I've stolen and then bravely posted the offensive cartoon.
(Go Vikings!)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Flag Burning
I like Dennis Miller's stance on flag burning:
The only thing that galls me about someone burning the American flag is how unoriginal it is. I mean if you're going to pull the Freedom-of-speech card, don't be a hack, come up with something interesting. Fashion Old Glory into a wisecracking puppet and blister the system with a scathing ventriloquism act, or better yet, drape the flag over your head and desecrate it with a large caliber bullet hole." - Dennis Miller

They're on a roll!
Also heard in international communications between Iran and Denmark officials, "I know you are, but what am I?!"
Tehran, 7 Feb. (AKI) - Iran has decided to rename Danish pastries "Mohammedan" pastry - a new twist in the crisis which has triggered protest by Muslims throughout the world against cartoons of Mohammed first published in Denmark. The name change recalls when some Americans started calling French fries, "Freedom fries" to protest France's opposition to the United States-led invasion of Iraq.
Monday, February 06, 2006
No Dam Lake It Appears
LINCOLN, Neb. -- A legislative committee killed a bill (LB1121) Monday afternoon that would have funded a study on building a lake between Omaha and Lincoln.
The Appropriations Committee killed the bill, by Sen. Pam Brown of Omaha, on a 6-0 vote.
Earlier Monday, residents of Ashland showed up by the hundreds at the Nebraska State Capitol on Monday.
They were there to rally against a $3 million proposal to study the value of creating a huge recreational lake between Omaha and Lincoln. If built, the plan for the lake would have flooded Ashland and relocated the town.

Danish Imams Busted
See. All the outrage is feeding right into someone's plan.
One of the now infamous 'cartoons' has been shown to be a fake, according to info found at Gateway Pundit.
Gateway Pundit: ** Danish Imams Busted! **
Another reference found from August 19, 2005
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Friday, February 03, 2006
Cartoon statement
Seems much of the blogosphere, including some of those on my new Blogroll list, have decided that the recent cartoons posted in the papers overseas viewed as offensive to the Muslim practicianers, are a valid subject to publish on their blogs in support of freedom of speech and in support of those papers who have published said cartoon. Well, fine for them, but not for me.
In my opinion, it adds absolutely nothing to the debate of what's going on in the world today. Muslim vs others? Islam vs Christianity? New Crusades driven by cartoon publishing? Not right, in my opinion.
Therefore I have deleted some of the links from my newly established Blogroll list that are promoting these cartoons.
That's my opinion and that's my blog.
Publishing these cartoons does nothing but add to the strife and stress bewteen Islam and the rest of the world.
That all being said, if Muslim faith really preaches nonviolence as much as it preaches non-cartoon depiction of Mohammed, why is there so much more outrage over these cartoons than there was/is over the violent deaths in NYC and elsewhere? Why is there such a different standard? Why not the outrage over the violence delivered by the extermists throughout the world, but so much outrage about published cartoons?
Me thinks you doest protest too much.
Me thinks you are hypocrites.
Me thinks you should pack sand.
Me thinks that things are pretty farked up right now.
PS: Islam believers: You quit blowing people up, others'll quit publishing cartoons, we'll all get along in a better world. Deal? OK. Deal.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Shut your computer OFF!
Shut your system down before midnight tonight!
You'll receive an email when it's safe to turn it back on.
SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Computer users were being urged to kill a malicious "old school" software worm poised to destroy their files.
Referred to by a host of names including "Kama Sutra", "Grew", and "Blackworm", the "malware" virus has bored into countless computers worldwide and is reportedly programmed to come to life after the clocks signal the start of Friday.
"Make sure you scan today, don't wait to find out if you've been infected," warned computer virus expert David Perry of Tokyo-based Internet security firm Trend Micro. "This is flat-out malicious, destroying files."
The company was providing free real-time virus scans called "Housecall" at its website,
The worm traveled the Internet in emails and got into computers when recipients clicked on unsolicited messages bearing sender names such as crazygirl, badboy, wizzard, and sometimes promising sexy content.
The worm was given a "trigger date" of Friday to allow time for it to spread undetected, Perry said.