Sacking Hackett
IF I lived in Ohio and IF I was running a political blog, I would post something like this.
Hackett’s narrow loss in Ohio was touted as a win.
Even Chuck Schumer is quoted.
Aug 3, 2005
By: Phil Singer, DSCC
The close race in Ohio’s Second Congressional District should send a shot across Mike DeWine’s bow as he gears up for his 2006 re-election effort. After being blamed for his son’s loss in the GOP primary, Mike DeWine last night watched as Democrat Paul Hackett exceeded expectations in this heavily Republican district. If Ohio is a bellwether state for next year’s midterm elections, things don’t look too good for the Republicans.
DSCC Chairman Charles Schumer said: "The close margin in this heavily Republican congressional district shows that people are looking for a change -- in both the House and the Senate. Democrats have become the party that is talking to the concerns of average people."
They built a movement around veteran candidates, like Hackett.
The Fighting Dems. The Band of Brothers.
Hackett was a favorite son.
Paul Hackett's near win in Oh-02, My Favorite Political play 2005
by Drdemocrat
Fri Dec 30, 2005 at 06:29:39 PM PDT
But my favorite Democratic Political play in 2005 was Hackett's near win in Oh-02 for it brought the netroots together like no other, it showcased a future Democratic star, it spawned a new political movement (the Fighting Dems, Band of Brothers), and it gave Democrats backbone to "tell it like it is" and the knowledge that we can beat the Republicans after coming off a devastating loss in 2004.
I do not know how Hackett will do in the Senate race, but I can honestly say that a Democratic star was born and I see a bright future in politics for him. This is his nitch.
Hackett's near win has spawned a political movement for 2006: Iraq war veterans running for Congress. He was not the first to run for office, but his "near win" encouraged several veterans to run. Even Rahm Emmanuel from DCCC took note and has personally recruited veterans to run in House races including I think future stars such as Tammy Duckworth, etc. Thus Band of Brothers (and Sisters) was born. I predict that the media will go wild with this in 2006. This will generate free publicity for all the candidates and Democrats to help us take back the House and Senate in 2006.
Then, Hackett stumbles.
Oh no! A primary election where voters in Ohio decide the candidate of choice?
Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, perhaps the best-known Democratic veteran running for office, energized liberals nationwide last year by criticizing President Bush during his House race but alienated conservatives in Ohio’s 2nd District by calling the president names.
Hackett stumbled in early September, Democrats add, when he failed to announce his bid to unseat Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) sooner instead of later, inviting a challenge from Rep. Sherrod Brown (D). Now the party faces a protracted primary.
Not to worry (about that primary election process).
Reid and Schumer to the rescue.
Hackett, the Iraq veteran, gets thrown under the bus.
Friendly fire, so to speak.
Monday, February 13, 2006 · Last updated 9:49 p.m. PT
Report: Hackett drops out of Senate race
NEW YORK -- Iraq war veteran Paul Hackett, who gained popularity for his staunch criticism of President Bush, has dropped out of the Democratic race for U.S. Senate in Ohio, according to a published report.
Hackett told The New York Times for Tuesday's editions that the same party leaders who urged him to run for Senate after his political debut in a House race last year had turned on him.
"This is an extremely disappointing decision that I feel has been forced on me," Hackett said.
Hackett's spokesman, Karl Frisch, did not immediately return a phone call late Monday night.
Hackett captured Democrats' attention last summer by blasting Bush's war policies, raising huge sums on the Internet and capturing 48 percent of the vote in one of the country's most conservative House districts.
He declared his candidacy for Republican Mike DeWine's Senate seat after it appeared Democratic Rep. Sherrod Brown would not run. Brown declared his Senate candidacy shortly after that, however, and national Democrats privately began urging Hackett to step aside. On Sunday, some national Democrats made those requests publicly.
"For me, this is a second betrayal," Hackett said. "First, my government misused and mismanaged the military in Iraq, and now my own party is afraid to support candidates like me."
Band of Brothers?
You just don’t stab your brother in the back like that. Even if you're a Democrat.
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