
Connected or Not????

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Fight Night

Not that brothers ought to fight, but IF it were to happen... who would win?

Click here

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hunting season story

I've had to drag a deer, but I've never seen one in drag.

Man shoots doe with rack of antlers

Mon Nov 27, 10:31 PM ET

MICHIGAN, N.D. - When Carmen Erickson dropped a deer with a single shot in a cattail slough south of here, he thought he'd downed a nice buck. Unlike his shot, he was a little off. The deer was a doe.

"It's got no male utilities," said Erickson, who lives in Minot. "It has teats ... it was pretty unusual."

Six hunting partners with Erickson witnessed the doe with a 4-by-4 rack.

"I'm sure this story will be around for 10 years," he said. "At least in our group."

Erickson notified the state Game and Fish Department and received a voice mail from a biologist who said these types of deer often are bucks whose testicles haven't descended or for some reason are castrated. Erickson said that is not the case with his deer, however.

"We couldn't find any male genitals on the deer," he said.

"We turned it over, and I got a lot of heat over that. Like I was supposed to know," Erickson joked.

Gary Rankin, district game warden in Larimore, said he has seen a couple of antlered does over the years, but for a doe to have a well-developed rack is unusual.(ed: such was the case in our High School, too!)

It is not the first antlered doe to be reported in the region this year. A conservation officer for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reported seeing a 10-point antlered doe shot near Robbin, Minn., during that state's firearms deer season. DNR conservation officers in other parts of Minnesota also reported a handful of antlered does.

Erickson said the antlered doe is a first for his crew, which has been hunting together for 25 years.

"It definitely was a keeper, he said.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When I told people I was going to Ely for the holidays, they said,
"Wear the fox hat."

Watch the original video here:


Well.... no, honey..... that dress doesn't make your ass look too big.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fly the friendly skies

UPDATED: 11/21/2006 6:54:67 PM

Never mind. They were just praying. Stupid fellow passengers kinda paniced, that's all. Memories of 9/11 and everything like that.

Good news from the whole misunderstanding is that the imams are now calling for a boycott of US Airways. Good for them (UA Airways, I mean). Maybe Muslims will boycott ALL airlines.

It is now safe for you to move about the country.


Updated: 11/20/2006 10:31:17 PM

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS has learned that federal investigators and airport police are questioning six Middle Eastern men who had to be escorted off of a plane Monday afternoon at Minneapolis/St. Paul International.

U.S. Airway officials tell 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS' Aviation Expert Bob McNaney that Monday while Flight 300 was preparing to take off from Minneapolis to Phoenix, a passenger passed a note to a flight attendant saying they noticed 'suspicious behavior,' among the men.

The men would not get off the plane when asked, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS has learned, and had to be removed by police.

Sources tell 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that the men were chanting 'Allah, Allah, Allah,' as they were transported down the jetway.

Late Monday, federal investigators were still trying to determine exactly who the men are. One source tells 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that the men said that they were in town for the weekend for a religious conference.

The other passengers on the flight, which was carrying 170 people, were re-screened for boarding, and it took off about three hours late.

Stay with 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS and KSTP.com for continuing updates on this story.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Heh, heh….. they said “Boehner”


Thursday, November 16, 2006

$204K for Soldiers in real need

From tcoverride blog:

FbL tells me that the total for Project Valour-IT is over $204, 000! Matty O’Blackfive shares that the other services (The navy and the naval infantry) assisted team Army and Team AirForce after they made their service goals, with the Navy (uncharacteristically) being the first to arrive on the objective.

In a week where the American people lost control of the house of commons and the house of lords, it is good to know that the true victors were the service members, who, because of your donations and untiring support, will be well taken care of. Your contributions will allow Project Valour-IT to support over 300 service members with voice-controlled laptops, and more importantly, help them on their long road to recovery.

Again, thank you.


Project Valour-IT, in memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss, provides voice-controlled laptop computers to wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines recovering from hand and arm injuries or amputations at home or in military hospitals. Operating laptops by speaking into a microphone, our wounded heroes are able to send and receive messages from friends and loved ones, surf the 'Net, and communicate with buddies still in the field without having to press a key or move a mouse. The experience of CPT Charles "Chuck" Ziegenfuss, a partner in the project who suffered severe hand wounds while serving in Iraq, illustrates how important this voice-controlled software can be to a wounded servicemember's recovery.


Do as I say.....

Not as I do. ------ John Edwards

Even Presidential Candidates Agree: Wal-Mart is the Best Place to Shop for Hot Electronics Items this Christmas Season

BENTONVILLE, Ark., Nov. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Just like the
millions of Americans who turn to their neighborhood Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) for their holiday shopping needs, Wal-Mart announced today that former Sen. John Edwards is seeking to be one of the first to get a Sony PlayStation3, one of the most coveted holiday gift items this Christmas season.
Yesterday, a staff person for former Sen. Edwards contacted a Wal-Mart
electronics manager in Raleigh, North Carolina to obtain a Sony
PlayStation3 on behalf of the Senator's family. Later that night, Sen.
Edwards reportedly re-told a homespun story to participants of a United
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union-sponsored call about how his son had chided a fellow student for purchasing shoes at Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart welcomes Sen. Edwards to visit his local Wal-Mart store and
explore the extensive line of home electronics as well as the Metro7 line
shoes for men and boys.
The Company noted the PlayStation3 is an extremely popular item this
Christmas season, and while the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Senator Edwards wants to cut to the front.
While, we cannot guarantee that Sen. Edwards will be among one of the first to obtain a PlayStation3, we are certain Sen. Edwards will be able to find great gifts for everyone on his Christmas list - many at Wal-Mart's "roll-back prices."

Why we win

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans Day

Business Travel


"I had a tuna fish sandwich in the airport. Tuna fish. Tuna fish. TUNA
FISH. Yes, right, tuna fish. But they didn't toast the bread. No, no, they
didn't toast the... THEY DIDN'T TOAST THE BREAD. Right. They didn't toast

Monday, November 06, 2006

Major Debunkage!

Mon Nov 6, 5:12 PM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Duct tape does not work any better than doing nothing to cure warts in schoolchildren, Dutch researchers reported on Monday in a study that contradicts a popular theory about an easy way to get rid of the unattractive lumps.

The study of 103 children aged 4 to 12 showed the duct tape worked only slightly better than using a corn pad, a sticky cushion that does not actually touch the wart and which was considered to be a placebo.

"After 6 weeks, the warts of 8 children (16 percent) in the duct tape group and the warts of 3 children (6 percent) in the placebo group had disappeared," the researchers wrote in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

They said this difference was not statistically significant.

In addition, some of the children who wore duct tape reported itching, rashes and other effects, although none of the children who wore corn pads did.

The researchers, led by Dr. Marloes de Haen of Maastricht University, expressed disappointment with their findings.

Warts are caused by a virus in the skin, and often clear up on their own. They can also be frozen off in a treatment called cryotherapy, or burned off chemically using a strong formulation of salicylic acid.

"Considering the serious discomfort of cryotherapy and the awkwardness of applying salicylic acid for a long time, simply applying tape would be a cheap and helpful alternative, especially in children," de Haen's team wrote.

In 2002, Dr. Dean Focht of Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma, Washington and colleagues reported in the same journal that using duct tape on warts worked better than cryotherapy.

The idea of using duct tape to treat warts quickly became common wisdom and is advocated widely on the Internet.

The Dutch researchers said that Focht's team did not actually examine their patients to determine if the warts had disappeared, but called them on the telephone to ask.


Probably started by Democrats, anyway.

It's that time of year again.
This is what some are hunting for.
This is what they look like.
Look for these kind of shapes.
Make sure you KNOW what you're shooting at.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mom said....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Hear, Hear!!

Born At The Right Time

How lucky can one man get?

That’s a song I remember. John Prine, I believe?

Being born in 1957 was very lucky.

I recall the good times in our country’s history.

Sure there was the Cold War hide-under-your-desk drill, but we didn’t take that all so seriously. We probably didn’t understand how close we came to actually seeing our desktops melting away from a thermonuclear heat-wave.

I remember the Cuba Missile Crisis, JFK assassination, Nixon scandal, etc, etc.

The thing that sticks in my mind the most, though, is Vietnam. Seeing the body counts on TV every night. Seeing the pictures of helicopters dropping off soldiers running to who knows where to fight unseen enemies to what fate? How many would be on tomorrow’s body count? How many would come home? And come home to what kind of welcoming committee? Hippies protesting and calling them baby killers? Spitting on them? For what? For doing what they were sent to do?

I remember looking ahead to graduating from High School knowing full-well I’d face the chance of a low draft number, as many had before me. I knew that was coming.

Then the ‘conflict’ was ended. Two short years before having my number called. Holy Shit. My first recognition of the fact that I was born at the right time, not to mention in the right place.

Then they even discontinued the draft! Furthermore they even did away with mandatory registration. What luck. Especially after witnessing uncles, cousins, hometown boys, etc go off to that hell hole only to come back “different”.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve listened to many a story from those men who endured ‘in country’. The stories raise the hair on your neck. I have always felt obliged to ever one of those men. They did that so I wouldn’t have to. Even though that’s not really why they did it. They had no choice. They weren’t as lucky.

I have thanked as many of them as I have conversed with. Each and every one of them. I owe them. I know that. And I owe it to luck that I wasn’t born a few years earlier.

They did what they had to do. Even if they didn’t agree with it. Even while some others stayed behind to protest, smoke dope, drop acid and go to college thanks to having connections or deferments.

I wouldn’t have shirked the duty. I was just simply lucky to have born at the right time.

One lucky bastard. One who knows and recognizes that, though.

So for those who volunteer for duty these days, I am beholding, likewise. These are special people, even if some politicians and fellow Americans don't understand that. We owe these special people a debt we probably cannot repay beyond respect, prayers, acknowledgement, support and donations, if we can.

Check out Project Valour-IT


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sarc On

All is forgiven now, John F'in Kerry.
Because you said:

"... I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended."

Your apology to the troops for their misunderstanding of your "botched joke" aimed at President Bush even includes an apology to Mr. Bush, who happens to be an American, too.
Thanks for being so forthright and cunning, runt.
(sarc off)