
Connected or Not????

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Response to Democrat response to SOTU

A fun thing to do is go watch the Dem/lib posters on DailyKos assplode.
Tonight was most entertaining as we watched their reaction and comment to the Democrat Response given by "what's his name" from somewhere. You know, the guy with the happy eyebrow, which also didn't go unnoticed in their rantings.
Too much fun
I'll just give one example, though.

This is why we are in the shit hole!
Can someone with balls PLEASE respond to what is happening in our country without being afraid?!
Where is the anger? Where is the truth? What the fuck is he blabbering on about?!?!?
Who picked Kaine to give this "response?!" This is INSANE.

by Barbara H on Tue Jan 31, 2006 at 08:21:13 PM PDT

Isn't Barbara H just the sweetest thing? So compassionate and understanding.

SOTU Address

PER a link from Drudge page:
Cindy Sheehan Plans To Be In Audience At Bush Address

POSTED: 3:22 pm PST January 31, 2006
UPDATED: 5:33 pm PST January 31, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Cindy Sheehan said she will be part of the live audience during the president's State of the Union speech to congress Tuesday.
Bay Area Congresswoman Lynn Woosley gave anti-war activist a gallery pass late Tuesday, just hours before the planned State of the Union speech. Sheehan was in Washington to protest the president during his national address, but then came word she was invited to see the speech live.
A spokesman for Sheehan says she decided to accept the invitation two hours prior to the speech. The spokesman also said that Sheehan will be respectful and listen to the address because she is a guest of a member of congress.
(Lynne Woolsey gave her her ticket.)

PER FOX News just now:
She’s been “detained” (not arrested) for trying to unfurl some sort of banner.

A cunning stunt, indeed.

Is this a happy problem?

Beaver boom worries Oslo

The City of Oslo is carefully monitoring its newly swelling population of beavers as the rodents move nearer the capital's sources of drinking water.
Beavers can introduce the parasite Giardia into the water, with diarrhea and vomiting a result, an intestinal ailment known as 'Beaver fever' (Giardiasis) in the USA.


They said "Beaver fever"!

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ohhh! That reminds me......

It's time to start figuring how much Alternative
Minimum Tax is going to cost me THIS year.

Hillary gets results!

(sarcasm on)
Hillary gets it done in just 20 days!

Body Armor Likely Saved ABC News Pair
By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer
January 30

NEW YORK - ABC News anchor Bob Woodruff, seriously hurt by a roadside bomb in Iraq, has shown signs of improvement and may be airlifted to the United States as soon as Tuesday, the network's news president said Monday.
A hospital official said body armor likely saved the journalist's life.
"They're both very seriously injured, but stable," said Col. Bryan Gamble, commander of the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in western Germany. He said both men were heavily sedated and under the care of the hospital's trauma team.
Their body armor likely saved them, "otherwise these would have been fatal wounds," Gamble said.

It was only 20 days ago when Hillary brought this to our attention.

Senator Clinton slams Pentagon on poor body armor for US troops
Tue Jan 10, 3:42 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton slammed what she called an "unforgivable" failure by the George W. Bush administration to provide potentially lifesaving body armor to US troops serving in Iraq.
"We have not given many of our soldiers and marines the protection that they need. And it is just unforgivable and unacceptable," Clinton, who serves on the Senate's Armed Service committee, told ABC television.
She made her remarks after the New York Times last week disclosed the findings of a secret Pentagon study that concluded that as many as 80 percent of the marines killed in Iraq from upper body wounds could have survived had they had extra body armor.
Clinton, who has called for congressional hearings into the matter, said upgrades to standard armored vests would cost just 260 dollars per service member.
It is our duty to protect our men and women in uniform. They're over there protecting us, protecting our interests. They've been sent there by our president," the former first lady told ABC.
"The very least we can do is to give them the option of having the very best body armor and armored vehicles to make sure that while they're harm's way they can be as safe as possible," Clinton said.

Where would we all be without her?
(sarcasm off)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'm a Mazda RX-8!

You're sporty, yet practical, and you have a style of your own. You like to have fun, and you like to bring friends along for the ride, but when it comes time for everyday chores, you're willing to do your part.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

GREAT, New Study !!!

I may join the local chapter of Toastmasters!

Sex calms nerves before public speaking - study
Wed Jan 25, 2:26 PM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Forget pretending you are talking to one person or concentrating on a single point in the audience -- having sex is good way to calm nerves before giving a speech or presentation.

But Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of Paisley in Scotland, said it has to be full sexual intercourse to get the best results.

He studied nearly 50 men and women who recorded their sexual activities for two weeks and analyzed its impact on their blood pressure levels when under acute stress, such as when giving a speech.

Brody discovered that the volunteers who had sexual intercourse were the least stressed and had blood pressure levels that returned to normal more quickly than people who engaged in other types of sex.

But people who had abstained from sex had the highest blood pressure response to stress.

Even after taking into account stress due to work or other factors, the range of responses to stress were best explained by sexual behavior.

"The effects are not attributable simply to the short-term relief afforded by orgasm but rather, endure for at least a week," Brody told New Scientist magazine said on Wednesday.

He believes that the release of the so-called "pair bonding" hormone oxytocin might explain the calming effect.

World Events

Jimmy Carter told CNN in an interview that although Hamas were "so-called terrorists," so far "there have been no complaints of corruption against [their] elected officials."

UPDATE: 1/27/06 9:00am
There, that sure didn't long. What say you now, Jimmy?

Hamas, Fatah battle over results
By Nidal al-Mughrabi
27 minutes ago
GAZA (Reuters) - Hamas and Fatah gunmen exchanged fire in the Gaza Strip on Friday, fuelling fears of Palestinian turmoil following the Islamic militant group's crushing victory over the long-dominant faction in a parliamentary election.
In the first armed clash between Hamas and Fatah militants since Wednesday's vote, three people were wounded in a gun battle near the southern city of Khan Younis, witnesses said.
The violence erupted, they said, after Hamas militants were angered by a sermon by a Fatah-appointed Muslim preacher during Friday prayers.
Hamas has mostly respected a truce for nearly a year, but says it will not give up its guns or its charter demand for an Islamic state to encompass Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hours of fun!

Paintball is kind of fun, too!

Need to express yourself in new ways?

Have a cyberdog drop a couple of lawn mines on any web page!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oh, Cry Me A River!

Whining from a NY-based "think tank".
How about a little personal responsibility for getting in debt?
How about the free rent and tuition many parents have provided?
How about teaching the poor little young adults to suck it up like many did before them?
It's OK to struggle when you're young. It teaches you to appreciate what you earn and what the government lets you keep of what you earn.
How about showing them the glass half full instead of this crap article?

Young earners face intense financial challenge
By Kelly Barry, USA TODAY Tue Jan 24, 7:29 AM ET

The picture for young adults is bleak.
College loan debt is at an all-time high.
Rental rates are through the roof. Wages are stagnant.
Credit cards are getting maxed out left and right.
In short, this group is getting hit from all sides, and they're strapped - for cash, that is.
In Strapped: Why America's 20- and 30-Somethings Can't Get Ahead, Tamara Draut takes aim at the root causes of the money troubles that young adults face today.
Draut, director of the Economic Opportunity Program at Demos, a New York-based think tank, writes about those born between 1971 and 1987 and their jobs: bouncers (going from job to job); jugglers (working full time while in college); pajamas (working at home); and tempsters (working temp jobs).
Draut peppers her first book with tales of struggle, as well as bits of her personal challenges, and draws heavily from analytical research that suggests the crisis is not letting up.
"They will be the first generation who won't match the prosperity of their parents."
In addition to social and economic reasons, she says, "Government policies have conspired to alter dramatically the process of becoming an adult."
A college education, the initial marker of easing into "young adulthood," is an indicator of future success - both professionally and personally - but in ways you might not have considered.
A college degree "will determine the size of their paycheck, the safety of their neighborhood, the reliability of their car and ... the opportunities they will be able to provide for their own children." However, it is that education, increasingly required for even low-paying jobs, that is hard to finance and can take more than a decade to pay off.
While still in college, nearly half of working students already put in more than 25 hours a week to help make ends meet, Draut says.
Yet, with diplomas in hand, most college graduates start out with years of debt in front of them and confront:
• Intermittent periods of unemployment.
• Limited chances for corporate upward mobility.
• Stunted wage growth.
Thus, bouncers are born.
This group moves between jobs in pursuit of the elusive trifecta: decent pay, ample benefits and the chance to scale the corporate ladder.
One young worker described in the book "bounced" through five jobs in six years. She then did the once-unimaginable and moved back in with her mom to save money.
At 30, she has yet to make more than $35,000 a year in any job. As she states, "When times are down, that's when your car needs tires."
Adding to the stress: the difficulty in finding affordable housing. Further down the line, there is the added heavy financial burden of providing for a child.
Reading the many discouraging passages makes one yearn for answers, which don't come until the final pages. Just one thin chapter sums up how to push the pendulum toward economically prosperous days.
Here's the part where government solves all those woes. Cripes!
Among the suggestions:
• Banding together to back reforms for a better U.S. society - families come first, hard work is rewarded with decent wages, college is more affordable, and first-time home buyers get a break.
• Kicking credit card companies off college campuses, where many cash-strapped students develop bad financial habits due to the ease of obtaining cards.
• Having businesses and the government create a joint trust to fund universal child care and education.
The potential long-term effects of inaction are hard to overstate.
Everyone has a stake in the healthy finances of this generation: "The clock is ticking. In 2011, the 76 million baby boomers will start retiring," Draut writes.
Paying for the national debt, Medicare and Social Security will "result in a tax burden on today's young adults double that of our parents."

Oh yea, I nearly forgot. Stay the hell off of my lawn, too!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Received this email today

Subject: Albino Fawn
Thought you would enjoy this little North Dakota treasure!
Pass this around, a lot of folks have never and will never see even a picture of an Albino deer fawn......
A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience! Mark saw this lil' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW. A real Albino Whitetail Deer.
Just hours old, but doing fine. No Momma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of Mark... Well,, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature', that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested (but going to send him to a Rehab farm) Zoo had a vet that we have never gotten along with... So, one of Dad's best friends is our Game Warden. Kinda reluctantly, but, I called him and told him the deal. He came right over, of course... and assured me that he wouldn't take it to that vet, that he was going to go to higher levels' than that with him.. So, he is gone now. We got a lot of pix, and something we will never see again probably, so it was very cool. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare... Sure wanted to keep him tho. but, not the thing to do. And not LEGAL either ; But, here are a couple of pix to show ya.
He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER. He was SO small. That is my shoe lying beside him... WOW..how cool is that??

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Flying the Friendly Skies (AGAIN!)

On a jet plane.
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh Babe, I hate to go.....

(good luck getting THAT song outta your head now)

Rated PS

Somedays, being a panda isn't all that bad, but you've still got to be able to perform in front of a crowd.

anti-Bush flip-flopping

This takes the cake for flip flopping.

Hillary in November on Iraq
November 29, 2005
In October 2002, I voted for the resolution to authorize the Administration to use force in Iraq. I voted for it on the basis of the evidence presented by the Administration, assurances they gave that they would first seek to resolve the issue of weapons of mass destruction peacefully through United Nations sponsored inspections, and the argument that the resolution was needed because Saddam Hussein never did anything to comply with his obligations that he was not forced to do.
Their assurances turned out to be empty ones, as the Administration refused repeated requests from the U.N. inspectors to finish their work. And the "evidence" of weapons of mass destruction and links to al Qaeda turned out to be false.
Based on the information that we have today, Congress never would have been asked to give the President authority to use force against Iraq. And if Congress had been asked, based on what we know now, we never would have agreed, given the lack of a long-term plan, paltry international support, the proven absence of weapons of mass destruction, and the reallocation of troops and resources that might have been used in Afghanistan to eliminate Bin Laden and al Qaeda, and fully uproot the Taliban.
Before I voted in 2002, the Administration publicly and privately assured me that they intended to use their authority to build international support in order to get the U.N. weapons inspectors back into Iraq, as articulated by the President in his Cincinnati speech on October 7th, 2002. As I said in my October 2002 floor statement, I took "the President at his word that he will try hard to pass a U.N. resolution and will seek to avoid war, if at all possible."
Instead, the Bush Administration short-circuited the U.N. inspectors - the last line of defense against the possibility that our intelligence was false. The Administration also abandoned securing a larger international coalition, alienating many of those who had joined us in Afghanistan.
After my first trip to Iraq in November 2003, I returned troubled by the policies of the Administration and faulted the President for failing to level with the American public. At the Council on Foreign Relations, I chided the President for failing to bring in enough international partners to quell the insurgency.
We have to continue the fight against terrorism and make sure we apply America's best values and effective strategies in making our world and country a better and safer place. We have to do what is right and smart in the war against terrorists and pursuit of democracy and security. That means repudiating torture which undermines America's values. That means reforming intelligence and its use by decision makers. That means rejecting the Administration's doctrine of preemptive war and their preference to going it alone rather than building real international support.
Sincerely yours,
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary last night, January 18, on Iran
PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton called for United Nations sanctions against Iran as it resumes its nuclear program and faulted the Bush administration for "downplaying" the threat.
In an address Wednesday evening at Princeton University, Clinton, D-N.Y., said it was a mistake for the United States to have Britain, France and Germany head up nuclear talks with Iran over the past 2 1/2 years. Last week, Iran resumed nuclear research in a move Tehran claims is for energy, not weapons.
"I believe that we lost critical time in dealing with Iran because the White House chose to downplay the threats and chose to outsource the negotiations," Clinton said.
And Clinton called for the United States to reduce the number of American troops in Iraq, leaving a smaller strike force.
"This will help us stabilize their government and will send a message to Iran that they do not have a free hand despite their personal and religious connections," she said.
Clinton said that the United States has an important role in stabilizing the Middle East, in part because America offers a brand of optimism that can make a difference.
"History has weighed heavily on the Middle East. What we have tried to do over the last 30 years, starting with President Carter, moving through other presidents, including my husband, and now this president, is to send a uniquely American message: `It can get better. Just get over it.'"

"Just get over it" is who's message??!!!
Maybe she was talking to Gore and Dean?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


When they come for this site, they won't get the money either!

Wed Jan 18, 5:57 PM ET
LONDON - A Web site that earned an enterprising British student $1 million suffered a crippling attack by ransom-seeking hackers.
Alex Tew, 21, said Wednesday that his Million Dollar Homepage was targeted after he publicized how it had helped him raise money for his university studies.
Tew had sold 10,000 small squares of advertising space on the Web site for $100 each, achieving his target in four months. His initiative spawned several copycat sites.
But Tew said that on Jan. 7, he received a threat from an organization calling itself "The Dark Group," demanding that he pay them $50,000 within 72 hours or face having his site taken down.
"It was written in poor English, but the hackers asked for $50,000, saying that it was just 5 percent of what I had made," Tew said. "I did not reply to the e-mail. I had no intention of paying."
Tew ignored the threat. Hackers then initiated a so-called distributed denial of service, in which attackers take command of third-party computers, through a virus or other security vulnerability, and instruct them to send junk data to the target site, overwhelming servers and causing the site to crash or perform poorly.
Tew said the site now works normally.
Tew, from Wiltshire, a county in southern England, said he informed the FBI because his site is hosted in the United States.
FBI spokesman Paul Bresson said the agency was investigating.
Such extortion cases targeting Web sites are occurring with greater frequency.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Today's Letters are W, T and F

Tue Jan 10, 1:59 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy is writing a children's book that will explain the workings of government from the point of view of his dog Splash.

Publisher Scholastic said "My Senator and Me: A Dog's-Eye View of Washington, D.C." was a 56-page picture book about a day in the life of a senator and his dog, explaining how laws are made. It will be published in May.

"Kids love animal stories and they will be captivated by the tale of Senator Kennedy's extraordinary Portuguese water dog, and his adventures in Congress," said Lisa Holton, President Children's Books and Book Fairs, Scholastic.

Scholastic said in a statement Kennedy was inspired to write the book after working with a children's reading program in Washington for the past five years.

"Reading is a lifelong adventure and I hope that this book will spark an interest in young people to learn more about their government and to explore the joy of books," Kennedy said in the statement.

Scholastic said the book would offer a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a U.S. senator from the perspective of his canine companion, who was given the formal name Champion Amigo's Seventh Wave and nickname Splash by his original owner.

"Splash is always at Senator Kennedy's side -- in his office, at press conferences, in meetings at the Capitol and even right outside the Senate chamber," the statement said.

His dog is really named "Splash"? That's in very bad taste, given his driving history.

September Salute

Marine Gunnery Sgt. Michael Burghardt signals defiance at his Iraqi attackers after being injured by an improvised explosive device near Ramadi. Attending to the Marine were Nebraska 167th Cavalry members Spc. John Adams (far left, in front) of Hastings, Neb., and Pfc. Darin Nelson of Fremont, Neb.


You may not wish to know, but I had to look.

"You mouth off to the wrong guy in a bar and are beaten to death with a barstool."


Someone's levee is breached.

What a thing to say on MLK Day.
Promoting a color blind society, Mr. Nagin?

Mayor Nagin: New Orleans Will Be 'Chocolate' Again
January 16, 2006
NEW ORLEANS -- Mayor Ray Nagin told a crowd gathered at City Hall on Monday for a march honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that New Orleans will be "chocolate" again.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

And NOT so cool.


New personal computer design wins Microsoft competition

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Two Purdue University industrial designers won a grand prize at an international competition co-sponsored by Microsoft Corp. for a new personal computer design that may change the way people watch movies, listen to music, play games and read magazines.

The concept computer, called Bookshelf, eliminates the most common problems - digital copyrights and inconvenient accessibility - in the multimedia entertainment business today, says graduate student Sungho "Oho" Son.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

You too can be famous!

You too can be famous with your own video camera, computer, Internet connection, the below link and your own balled up fist. Go fer it.

Hold on... Dont leave! We really are serious about hitting ourselves in the nuts! And we want you and all of your friends to take the stance, breathe in, count to three and WHACK the hell out of your sweet little nutty nuts! Dont forget to catch it all on video and send it to us, hell... thats why we are here! I know this may sound really strange, and you are probably asking yourself..... "why the hell would i want to wail on my own balls?" we have one answer for that question... ITS FUNNY! Sure it will be painful and you might even be out of commission for some time, but if you actually think about how many people will be laughing at your little venture, you will see that its all well worth the momentary pain. There is also a kicker... How about your very own selfnutpunch.com EMAIL ADDRESS! thats right, we are giving these super secret, rare email accounts to everyone who receives the honorary title, "Nut Punch Of The Month" , which is only given to the best of the best each and every month. Now there are certain RULES and regulations as to whitch to follow, and you can read them by clicking on the rules button on your left. Thanks for visiting self nut punch, and please don?t be easy on your testicles!!!


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Raise your hand if you share Sylvie's disgust

Oh fur crying out loud.
Sylvie Rosenthal (R), dressed in heavy Winter clothes, reacts to topless PETA protesters holding a banner reading "We'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" in an effort to expose shoppers to their message, in downtown Montreal.(AFP/PETA Protest/David Boily)

Somewhat Misleading Headline

From today’s headlines:

"Turkey to review release of pope shooter"

The first time I read it, I thought it was about some new hunting device.
Turns out, not.

One Alito post. That's all.

One of the many comments posted on the DailyKos blog where the more "progressive" amungst us display their hypocricy with woman-bashing, gay-bashing and mean spirited real side, all the while hoping to sell themselves as for the little guy, women's rights, etc. What a feaking mess that show is. Where does NOW stand on this?
I agree with those who have suggested that, if Alito does not pass the attacks, Ted Kennedy should be nominated and subjected to the same personal attacks and history review as other nominees have been subjected to. Wouldn't that be fun.

For Alito, a Mike Dukakis moment. (none / 1)
He can scarcely have failed to hear his wife-bitch-thing wimpering behind him or have failed to see her in his monitor.
But he had no affect. Did he turn to comfort her or ask what was wrong? NO. He is a fucking borg, not our kind, just part of the Republican pod formation. No empathy. No compassion. bet he hasn't touched her in years. Phony little family. What kind of addiction does she have? What kind of booz? What kind of drugs? Is she bi-polar? I mean the provocation was Zip. So spread the news. Is wifey a nut job? Is his family up to this?
Stephanie Herseth is a bigot.
by NorCalJim on Wed Jan 11, 2006 at 08:43:51 PM PDT


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Need a laugh today?

If you're having one of those days when you need a good chuckle, go check out the best blonde joke ever posted on the innernet.



Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Road trips

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

This is a real, live test.

Road trip. Here's something for you all to study and talk about while I'm gone. See ya in a week.
Sorry, it was only available in black and white and shades of grey, similar to that which is found in real life.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Believe in miracles now?

10:58pm, Tue Jan 3
Breaking News: 12 miners found alive - CNN
In related news, Prayer works.

How sad.
Finding one alive, albiet in critical condition, is a miracle.
Reporting that eleven others were also found alive was irresponsible and wrong.
This entry could easily be deleted, but needs to remain as a reminder to not believe everything read, especially when it comes to headlines.
Hard lesson relearned.
Prayers for those families.


Rep. Murtha is causing casualties

Posted: December 16, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Editor's note: David Bellavia is a former U.S. Army staff sergeant who served in the First Infantry Division for six years. He has been recommended for the Medal of Honor by his leadership, and has been nominated for the Distinguished Service Cross. He has received the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Cross (New York state's highest combat valor award) and was recently inducted into the New York State Veteran's Hall of Fame. His Task Force 2-2 Infantry has fought on such battlefields as Al Muqdadiyah, An Najaf, Al Fallujah, Mosul, and Baqubah. His actions in Fallujah, Iraq, were documented in the Nov. 22, 2004, cover story "Into the Hot Zone" by award-winning journalist Michael Ware. He is 30 years old.
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

As the debris continues to settle from the explosion detonated by Representative John Murtha's, D-Pa., continued rapid fire defeatist comments this past week, I wonder how he expected his statements to be perceived. As an infantryman whose boots are still caked with blood and dust from Iraq, I am beyond confused with the Democratic Party's "Prada Pant Suit Posse" of Reps. Nancy Pelosi and Louise Slaughter's insistence that he preserve his title as a combat visionary.

As rancor and hyperbole have reached its peak, we continue to be fed bastardized statistics and a complete denial that Iraq – according to al-Qaida intercepts – is indeed the front line in the War on Terror. Murtha's outrage seems to be concerned with the massive amount of American youth far from home and in harm's way. There is no outrage that we have 1,700 troops patrolling Kosovo's tranquil streets. No complaints from the left when asked about the 3,000 troop presence in Bosnia or why there is a need for 1,754 troops in Iceland. "Mr. President, bring home our boys from Iceland NOW"!

Voting against the immediate pull out of the troops and then carpet bombing every TV program that offers an invite by supporting Murtha's ignorance is a political attack that is aiding the enemy. Congress has had multiple opportunities to pass official articles of war against al-Qaida and her assets to end once and for all the bipartisan bickering of why we fight in Iraq today. They have yet to act.

Make no mistake: This is a middle- to lower-class war, fought by volunteers of the greatest generation of American Warriors ever born. I personally have written over 47 Bronze Stars with Valor awards for the members of my 34-man infantry platoon. The BSV is alarmingly growing more and more common during this fight and yet my peers cannot use their awards as a platform to defend their noble struggle, because they are still deep in the fight.

Read the rest. It's well worth it.

Did this work with Press, Dems and Murtha?

Clinton Salutes U.S. Forces in Bosnia

By Linda D. Kozaryn
American Forces Press Service

BRUSSELS -- During a preholiday visit to Bosnia Dec. 22
President Clinton told American troops thanks to their efforts,
the Balkan nation is no longer "the powder keg at the heart of

"We gave you a mission and you delivered," Clinton told
members of the Army's 1st Armored Division and 2nd Armored
Cavalry Regiment. "What you are doing for your country is a good
and noble thing," he said. "You are doing it well, and we are

First lady Hillary Clinton and Clinton's daughter Chelsea
accompanied the president to Bosnia. Noting it's tough to be away
from friends and family, especially during the holidays, Mrs.
Clinton announced a special gift to help troops stay in touch.
"AT&T, working with the Department of Defense, has donated $1
million so that each and every one of you stationed in Bosnia,
Croatia and Hungary will have an hour's worth of free phone time
to share with your families," she said.

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former Sen. Robert
Dole, 11 congressmen, Secretary of the Army Togo West and
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Hugh Shelton
accompanied the president.

Clinton said the delegation traveled to Bosnia first to
thank the troops for their service and second to encourage
Bosnian officials to honor the peace accord.

Before their stop at Eagle Base in Tuzla, the president
stopped in Sarajevo. There, he called on Bosnians of all ethnic
groups to work together to promote peace.

"They made an agreement at Dayton that we are doing our dead
level best to help them enforce," Clinton said. The United States
is determined not only to do its part, but also expects the
Bosnians to theirs, he said.

The president told American troops at Eagle Base the young
Muslims, Serbs and Croats he met in Sarajevo all want peace. "It
was like a chorus," Clinton said, "They said, 'Stay just a little
We don't understand why we're supposed to hate each
other. We don't want that kind of future. Please stay.'"

Clinton's visit came four days after he announced U.S.
forces will participate in a follow-on peacekeeping mission in
Bosnia. "In spite of all you have done," he said in Tuzla, "I
think it is imperative that we not stop until the peace here has
a life of its own, until it can endure without us. We have worked
too hard to let this go."

He related Dole's assessment of the situation, who said the
mission in Bosnia is like being ahead in the fourth quarter of a
football game. "Who wants to walk off the field and forfeit the
game?" Clinton asked. "We ought to stay here, finish the game and
take home the win for the world and for freedom."

Clinton closed his remarks quoting a poem written by
Specialist Christina Campbell, a soldier stationed at Eagle Base:
"No, this is not our soil and it's not our own fight.
But if you've seen what I have, then you know that it's right."


What I want to know.....

It's apparent what Murtha's mission is, but who's the fool asking THESE kinds of leading questions, so Murtha can get his words printed?
Who is/was it?

Murtha says he wouldn't join military now
Tue Jan 3, 2006 9:00 AM ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rep. John Murtha, a key Democratic voice who favors pulling U.S. troops from Iraq, said in remarks airing on Monday that he would not join the U.S. military today.

A decorated Vietnam combat veteran who retired as a colonel after 37 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Murtha told ABC News' "Nightline" program that Iraq "absolutely" was a wrong war for President George W. Bush to have launched.

"Would you join (the military) today?," he was asked in an interview taped on Friday.

"No," replied Murtha of Pennsylvania, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees defense spending and one of his party's leading spokesmen on military issues.

"And I think you're saying the average guy out there who's considering recruitment is justified in saying 'I don't want to serve'," the interviewer continued.

"Exactly right," said Murtha, who drew White House ire in November after becoming the first ranking Democrat to push for a pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq as soon as it could be done safely.

At the time, White House spokesman Scott McClellan equated Murtha's position with surrendering to terrorists.

".....Murtha told ABC News' "Nightline" program ..."
Figures. ABC. No wonder I missed it. I can hardly wait to read the rest of the transcript.

Here's the transcript. You just feel the love between Murtha and ABC's Jon Donvan.
Go read it on an empty stomach.
It's called "Making the News", not reporting the news.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Thank you, Mr. Obvious!

Researcher says women compete differently

WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Research shows that U.S. women not only compete differently than men in the workplace, they also compete differently with each other.

"It's been such a taboo subject. To say women have problems with each other is seen as anti-woman, but it's not," said Nan Mooney, author of "I Can't Believe She Did That! Why Women Betray Other Women at Work."

"Women are afraid to raise a problem, so it goes underground, and it comes out in a twisted way. Why is it so hard to work with other women? Why are we so nasty to each other?"

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Vikings Roll the Tice

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Mike Tice was sacked as head coach of the Minnesota Vikings' on Sunday, just an hour after his team's season-ending 34-10 victory over the Chicago Bears' .

Vikings owner Zygi Wilf said in a statement that Tice's contract would not be renewed.

"After significant evaluation, we feel that now is the time to make a coaching change," Wilf said.
Following a scandal-filled season that ended on Sunday with the Vikings (9-7) failing to make the playoffs, there had been much speculation about Tice's future in Minnesota where he rose through the ranks from player to the front office, spending a total of 13 years with the organization.


Here's a Hooter's calendar for your New Year.
August is my favorite.