
Connected or Not????

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

More Useless Poll "News"

This make-news will certainly be found helpful in settling the whole immigration issue.

What a bunch of crap these Polls are.

Eighty percent of people find the data from these polls useless.

Poll: Illegal Immigrants May Help Economy

LOS ANGELES - A majority of immigrants who came to the United States legally think undocumented workers help the economy by providing cheap labor, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Eighty-one percent of those surveyed said illegal immigrants accept low-end jobs that Americans don't want. Some 73 percent said illegal immigrants aided the economy by supplying low-cost labor.

"By an overwhelming percentage, legal immigrants don't have bad feelings toward the undocumented," said Sergio Bendixen, whose firm Bendixen & Associates conducted the poll.