
Connected or Not????

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Naughty Boy Justice

In the spirit of the season (leaking reports about civil rights abuse), here's just one more "secret program" finally disclosed. Hopefully, even though it's far too late for many of us older kids now, this breaking news will lead to more equitable distribution of materialistic gifts.
Too bad for you "nice" kids!

The New York Times reported today that Polar authorities are engaged in a secret program to conduct warrantless monitoring of private communications and activities among U.S. minors. Anonymous sources within the State Department and Central Intelligence Agency said the program, codename "Operation Coal Lump," dates as far back as 1879, and recieved approval at the highest echelon of Polar administration, including President Santa Claus himself.
The disclosure of the program sparked an immediate furor among civil libertarian organizations and brats right groups. ACLU spokesman Dan Knaggs said "that chill in the air isn't December -- it's Big Brother Kriss Kringle unconstitutionally watching, and following, and evaluating your every move."

See all of it at iowahawk's site