
Connected or Not????

Friday, December 23, 2005

Our boat's got major leaks!!!!

Why don't we just tell them EVERYTHING we're doing to prevent another 9/11??!!!
The enemy within grows larger in the hunt for increased readership and subsequent advertising dollars. It's just friggin wrong!

US monitored Muslim sites for radiation: report
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. officials have secretly (not any longer!) monitored radiation levels at Muslim sites, including mosques and private homes, since September 11, 2001 as part of a top secret program searching for nuclear bombs, U.S. News and World Report said on Friday.
An FBI spokesman declined to confirm or deny the U.S. News and World Report article and said, "We can't talk about a classified program."
"The FBI's overriding priority is to prevent, disrupt and defeat terrorist operations in the U.S. All investigations and operations conducted by the FBI are intelligence driven and predicated on specific information about potential criminal acts or terrorist threats, and are conducted in strict conformance with federal law," he added.

(need even further details to the secret program?)

At its peak, the effort involved three vehicles in the Washington area monitoring 120 sites a day, nearly all of them Muslim targets such as prominent mosques and office buildings selected by the FBI, it said.
The program has also operated in at least five other cities -- namely Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas, New York, and Seattle -- when threat levels there have risen, it said.

What, no individual names of those who participated? No mug shots?