
Connected or Not????

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Holy Flying Cargo, Baathman

Where's the outrage been over this bit of old news?
If those politicians who are screaming "Bush sells out our port security!" don't DO something about air cargo from UAE flying into JFK International, does that make them hypocrites, racists, career politicians, isolationists or Bush-bashers?

verifrank says it all:

Thank you for flying Hyperbole Airlines

So, let me get this straight - While the entire US political-wonk class is frothing out the mouth over the sale of "port dock concessions to the United Arab Emirates" in a fashion I havent seen since the great "Flouride Wars of the 1950's", it turns out that "Emirates Air" and its subsidiary "Emirates Sky Cargo" has Passenger and Cargo Terminal Space at JFK.
That's John F. Kennedy INTERNATIONAL Airport, formerly known as "Idlewild"
That's in New York City, New York State.
You read that right. Passenger Terminal Space and Cargo Terminal Space.

read the whole thing