
Connected or Not????

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

America is the Land of Opportunity

You work hard. You get an education. You're ethical, loyal, persistant, dedicated and professional. You learn from others. You get along with others. You're tactful, moral and chivalress. You do onto others. You set high goals. You work hard. You share (god I hate that word) like Mrs. Call taught you in kindergarden. You even take daily naps like she taught you.
You generally bust your ass. Day in, day out. You try to give people something to smile about, be it humor or good service or a smile or thanks. You follow the rules. You pay your dues.
And you get ahead.
But the blogoshere, well.... not so much, it seems.


Maybe you need some cool banner ads and those nifty pop-up things.

By Blogger NewMan, at 8:00 PM  

I'll try the popup thingy first.
I have real reservations about it, though.

By Blogger Bryan, at 9:57 PM  

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