
Connected or Not????

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Now she's gone!

She has always been my favorite.
We just looked good together.
I knew at first sight she was right for me and just had to have her as my own.
She always had a way of selflessly providing me comfort after a tough, hard, cold day.
I'd come home and she’d just BE there. Either hanging around or laying on the bed, just where she was when I left the house that morning.
We enjoyed many outdoor activities together, like barbequing or putzing around in the garage or simply messing around in back yard, playing with the dog.
Thought we’d be together forever.

But then she was looking a little haggard over the past couple years.
It was getting to point where I was a little hesitant to be seen in public with her.
Maybe living with me just finally wore her out?

Sure, sometimes I had to cuff her, and it was probably wrong to throw her on the floor like that so often.
Although I never, ever heard her complain about that.
She was always getting picked up by someone else, it seemed.

So, so warm and cozy when I slipped into her.
Never could stand to have her hanging around my neck in public, though. I could never get comfortable with that.

Now she’s gone.
Probably going to have to break in another one and that always takes a lot of time and effort.
I haven’t found the right one to replace her, yet, but have been shopping around.
Haven’t had to do that in long, long while.
Some say the grocery stores are good places to pick one up, but I think they’re wrong, as I have yet to find one there, even after many hours of aimlessly strolling up and down aisles while pretending to shop.

Sure going to miss her.
Somehow I’m going to have to find it in my heart to forgive my wife, who, yesterday, threw out that old favorite sweatshirt.