
Connected or Not????

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Some good reading

If you looked up "connected" in your dictionary, there'd be a picture and link to this guy's Private Papers. Hope he doesn't mind a mention here.

October 14, 2005
An American “Debacle”?
More unjustified negativity on the war in Iraq.
by Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Online

We have made plenty of mistakes since September 11, often failed to articulate our goals and values, and turned on each other in perpetual acrimony. Federal spending is out of control, and our present energy policy won’t wean us off Middle Eastern petroleum for years. But still lost in all this conundrum is that the old appeasement of the 1990s is over, the terrorists are losing both tactically and strategically, and, as Tony Blair said of the evolving Western mentality, “The rules of the game are changing.”
